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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Strategic Goal 1

Roll growth


The roll has grown steadily throughout the year, with major growth occuring in the junior end of the school. The senior classroom was discontinued at the end of the year. The two remaining senior pupils will receive individualised programmes in 2014. A roll projection spreadsheet has been developed and is presented to the Board at each of its meetings. A marketing sub-committee has been established. It was critical to begin 2014 with 26 pupils for resourcing purposes, which has been achieved. 

Current premises were refurbished in 2010/2011. Operational experience since then and the addition of a pre-school suggest that once the roll grows beyond 50 firm plans will need to be in place to shift site as we will quickly outgrow the site.

Performance Targets

To grow the school to approximately 50 pupils on the current site, focusing particularly on new entrants and to continue exploring site shift options.

Action Plans

Led by and Timeframes

1. Continue to focus on high quality educational delivery to ensure a reputation for excellence in Queenstown.

The principal and staff. Term 1 and ongoing.

2. Refine and implement the strategic promotion plan.

BoT marketing sub-committee.

Term 1 and ongoing

3. Develop new promotional material, including the website.

BoT marketing sub-committee.

Term 1 and ongoing

4. BoT work with CSAQ (land trust) and NZCPT (proprietor) to explore new site options and funding possibilities.

BoT property sub-committee.

Term 1 and ongoing.

5. Finalise the fitout of the third classroom.

BoT property sub-committee.

Beginning of Term 1.

6. Plan to develop a third class for 2015.

Principal. Term 4 or sooner if roll growth necessitates.

Variance and Feed Forward

Strategic Goal 2

Staff to participate in Leadership and Assessment contract


In 2014 the school opens with the principal as the only returning teaching staff member and 2 new teachers. An application was made to the Ministry for a Leadership and Assessment contract with a focus on supporting staff in the development of writing at KingsView. This was successfully granted and will be a major focus of our Professional Development and Learning program in 2014.

Performance Targets


To develop and implement a KingsView School learning model based on the “learning-focused relationships” model (M. Absolom)


To develop shared assessment procedures across the school and ensure teachers are using assessment to inform teaching and promote student learning and achievement.


To review the school writing curriculum and develop shared procedures for teaching across the school to promote student learning and achievement in writing.

Action Plans

Led by and Timeframes

1. Meet with Gary Tenbeth on a regular basis.

Principal, staff

Throughout the year on a fortnightly (approx) basis.

2. Review of curriculum delivery paperwork (English & Mathematics)

Staff and Gary Tenbeth

Term 1

3. Complete training in effective pedagogy, based on Michael Absolom’s “learning-focused relationships” model.

Staff and Gary Tenbeth

Ongoing in 2014

4. Complete NZC training to ensure all new staff have a strong working knowledge of the NZC and National Standards.

Principal and Gary Tenbeth

Term 1

5. Walk throughs conducted in each classroom on a regular basis (Gary – teachers; Principal – teachers; teachers – teachers).

Staff and Gary Tenbeth


6. Continue to communicate the learning journey, goals, progress and achievement with our community on a regular basis through information evenings, newsletters, emails and other relevant forms of communication.

Principal and staff

Weekly and ongoing

7. Complete a review of current assessment practices in reading, writing and mathematics.

Staff and Gary Tenbeth

Terms 1 & 2

Variance and Feed Forward

National Standards

KingsView has pupils enrolled in Years 1-8, the Board of Trustees, with the Principal and teaching staff, is required to use National Standards to:

a) Report to pupils and their parents on the pupil’s progress and achievement in relation to National Standards. Reporting to parents in plain language in writing must be at least twice a year;

b) Report school-level data in the Board’s Annual Report on National Standards under three headings:

i. School strengths and identified areas for improvement;

ii. The basis for identifying areas for improvement; and

iii. Planned actions for lifting achievement.

c) Report in the Board’s Annual Report on:

i.The numbers and proportions of pupils at, above, below or well below the standards, including by Maori, Pasifika and by gender (where this does not breach an individual’s privacy); and

ii. How pupils are progressing against the standards as well as how they are achieving.

Each Board of Trustees is required to complete an annual update of the School Charter for each school it administers, and provide the Secretary for Education with a copy of the updated School Charter before 28 January of the relevant year.

Strategic Goal 3

Student Achievement – Writing


2013 student achievement data indicated 94.5% of students are achieving the National Standard in writing. However, this conceals the number of pupils who are at significant risk of not achieving who do not appear in the data due to being in the early years of school. Student voice and teacher feedback has identified five pupils who are at risk of not achieving in writing. Unless targeted programs are implemented and progress is made, these pupils are at risk of not achieving the standard by the end of the year. 

Performance Targets

For the 5 students at risk of performing below the national standard in writing in years 1-3 and one Year 8 students below the standard to make at minimum of 1 sub curriculum level shift by the end of 2014.

Action Plans

Led by and Timeframes

1. Review and refine writing programme across the school.

Principal and staff, terms 1 & 2.

2. Staff to receive training in teaching writing.

Gary Tenbeth

Ongoing throughout 2014.

3. Targetted students to receive targeted teaching in small groups (max 3 students) four times a week. The STEPS program will be used.



4. Collect and analyse student data weekly and moderate with staff twice  a term to monitor progress.


Weekly and 2X each term.

5. Track and review pupil progress using Edge.

Principal, Gary Tenbeth and staff

Ongoing throughout 2014.

6. Develop shared expectations of teaching of writing across the school.

Principal, Gary Tenbeth and staff

Ongoing throughout 2014.

7. Targetting students to receive explict teaching session daily in small groups (teacher groups).



8.  Learning goals to be devised with students and individualised learning intentions and next steps to be explicit and displayed.



9. Staff to receive professional development on supporting at risk writers.

Principal and staff

As opportunities arise.

10. Refine and developsystems for regular communication with parents.

Principal and staff

Term 1

Variance and Feed Forward

Strategic Goal 4

Student Achievement – Reading


2013 student achievement data indicated 94.5% of students are achieving the National Standard in reading. However, this conceals the number of pupils who are at significant risk of not achieving the national standard by the end of 2014. Staff highlighted 5 pupils who are at risk in reading.

Performance Targets

For the 5 students at risk of performing below the national standard in reading in years 1-3 and one Year 8 students below the standard to make at minimum of 1 sub curriculum level shift by the end of 2014.

Action Plans

Led by and Timeframes

1. Targetted students to receive targeted teaching in small groups (max 3 students) four times a week. The STEPS program will be used.



2. Students to have guided reading with teacher daily.



3. Professional development in STEPS to be conducted.


Term 2

4. Professional development in conducting guided reading to be conducted with Hilton Ayrey.


Term 1

5. Collect and analyse student data weekly and moderate with staff twice  a term to monitor progress.


Weekly and 2X each term.

6. Refine and develop systems for regular communication with parents.

Principal and staff

Term 1

7. Track and review student progress using Edge.

Principal and staff Terms 1 & 2 and ongoing

8. Individual Education Plans to be devised, utilised and reviewed each term.

Principal and staff

Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4

Variance and Feed Forward

Strategic Goal 5

Student Achievement – Mathematics


2013 student achievement data indicated 94.5% of students are achieving the National Standard inMathematics. However, this conceals the number of pupils who are tracking to not achieve the standard by the end of the year. This data indicates that 5 students are at risk of not achieving the standard by the end of the year.

Performance Targets

For the 5 students at risk of performing below the national standard in Mathematics in years 1-3 and one Year 8 students below the standard to make at minimum of 1 sub curriculum level shift by the end of 2014.

Action Plans

Led by and Timeframes

1. Review and develop school wide Mathematics programme with new staff.

Principal and staff

Term 1

2. New staff returning to teaching who have not completed Numeracy Project training to complete training.


Terms 1 & 2

3. Individual Education Plans to be devised, utilised and reviewed each term.

Principal and staff

Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4

4. Students to have participate in explicit teaching groups with teacher daily.



5. Collect and analyse student data weekly and moderate with staff twice  a term to monitor progress.


Weekly and 2X each term.

6. Refine and develop systems for regular communication with parents.

Principal and staff

Term 1

7. Track and review student progress using Edge.

Principal and staff Terms 1 & 2 and ongoing

Variance and Feed Forward

Year 2 2014










Charter 2014

Annual Report

Draft Charter 2014

Draft Annual Report 2014

Other Legal Requirements

Draft Annual Report 2013

Election of Officers

March Roll Return

Annual Report

July Roll Return



Review Trustee Handbook

Board Self Review






Staff Appraisal

Staff PD Plan


Budget 2015







Technology, The Arts

Health and PE

Learning Languages

Pupil Achievement

Baseline Data Against Targets


Progress Against Targets

Progress Against Targets

Gifted and Talented Learning Support

Progress Against Targets




Principal Appraisal

Sign off 2013 Appraisal Approve 2014 Process


Draft Report


Budget 2014

Audited Accounts 2014

Trustee Development

Updated Handbook 2014

NZSTA Training

NZSTA Conference

NZSTA Training

NZSTA Training

Note:  The Board has identified succession planning through the Board elections as a strategic priority working closely with the Proprietor the New Zealand Christian Proprietors Trust..