
KingsView School is currently accepting enrolments.

School enrolment forms can be completed online at the following link

Online Enrolment Form

Alternatively you can contact the school office at office@kingsview.school.nz or phone 03 451 1444 for a paper copy. Please read all information to do with the School Fees before completing the forms.

If you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) at Kingsview School you can also book a school visit or email any questions to the Principal, Amos Pilgrim, principal@kingsview.school.nz or BOT Chairperson, JP Arrowsmith jparrowsmith@kingsview.school.nz.

For more information on KingsView School, read our FAQ’s here.

Enrolment Information

A requirement of Section 29 (1) of the Integration Act is that all pupils shall be enrolled as either preference or non-preference students. Preference shall be given to those pupils whose parents/guardian(s) are either members of, or have a religious or philosophical connection with the objectives of, the NZCPT. To be considered under the preference category, families should be active members of a local Christian Church. Our integration agreement allows for no more that 10% of the maximum school roll to comprise non-preference students, who while accepting the Christian Special Character of the school, are not involved with the Christian community.

  • State integrated schools select preference students on the following grounds.

Our desire is that all students will get to know and have a relationship with God. There are different categories that form the preference/non-preference agreement that the school has.

Preference /direct – Christian families associated with a local church.

Preference /general – Students whose families are supportive of the school’s virtues and teaching of Christian education, but may not be regular church goers. They want their child to have the opportunity to develop a relationship with God.

Non-preference – Families who have no affiliation with any church and are non-Christian.

  • State integrated schools have places for non-preference students.
  • This school has a maximum of 10 places.
  • The applicants accept that they will be attending a school of special character and that their place in the school is conditional on their participation in the programme.
  • The applicants accept that they will be required to pay attendance dues as set by the Proprietor and these are not voluntary.
  • Non-Preference criteria that apply to this school.
  • The siblings of non-preference students already in the school.
  • Siblings of former non-preference students.
  • The children of staff or Board members who seek to enrol their children.
  • Non-preference students coming from another integrated school with the same special character.
  • Children who live within one kilometre of the school and who want to participate in the special character programme of the school.
  • Non-preference students who cannot enrol immediately may choose to be placed on a waiting list. Students on this list are wait listed by date and number and will be contacted if places become available. At the end of the calendar year the list is removed and people apply to be reinstated on the wait list for the following year.

Enrolment information is also available for this school in hard copy from the office.

Enrolment Information PDF

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