You may be considering whether Kingsview School is right for your family. Below are some of the key questions asked about our school, but please contact us if you have further questions which are not answered here:

What is a “state integrated” school?

In New Zealand, a state-integrated school is a former private school which has integrated into the state education system under the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975, becoming a state school while retaining its special character.

What are the fees and how are they spent?

The School’s Proprietor provides land and buildings for state integrated schools, and this fee is used to cover their property costs. Private schools receive limited government funding, so they do charge a set fee each term, or for the year – this is called attendance dues. A “Special Character” donation is also charged to cover costs associated with providing opportunities for our students in a Christian environment. A list of the fees are available in the enrolment pack.

Do you currently have places available at Kingsview?

Yes, although the school is growing steadily, we are not yet at maximum for the present site. The vision for the school is to have our own land and larger school site in the Wakatipu basin. 

What does teaching through a “Christian worldview” mean?

All of us have a worldview, and this is how we see and interact with others and our environment. This is formed through our experiences, interactions and knowledge. Having a Christian worldview is when we think and interact with the Bible and knowledge of God as our foundation.

What do you mean by non-denominational?

This means we are not directly associated with any particular Church group or religious organisation. Our Kingsview families come from a variety of backgrounds and we welcome diversity at our school.

How does a Christian curriculum differ from the NZ Curriculum?

The Christian Curriculum is how we deliver Christian instruction in the school but is also the foundation that drives our learning through all curriculum areas. It is not separate from it but interwoven throughout. 

How big are the classes at Kingsview?

Small class sizes are one of the key differences at Kingsview School. From the start of 2022 this means we have three classes as follows.

New Entrant, Year 1, 2, 3 = 18 children

Year 4, 5 = 21 children

Year 6, 7, 8 = 23 children

Are there opportunities for Sport & Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) at a small school?

Yes, we run similar programmes as other schools such as swimming and skiing. There is also the possibility for our students to join some of the other schools for team sports such as netball and touch.
School Camps and regular field trips are part of the Kingsview Education Outside the Classroom programme. The senior class recently spent 4 days at Camp Columba, participating in a wide range of outdoor sports and challenges.

What are the Term Dates for 2025?

Term Dates for 2025  Currently they are at the bottom of this linked page.


Do you accept families that are not from a Christian background?

Our desire is that all students will get to know and have a relationship with God. There are different categories that form the preference/non-preference agreement that the school has.

Preference / direct – Christian families associated with a local church.

Preference / general –  Students whose families are supportive of the school’s virtues and teaching of Christian education, but may not be regular church goers. They want their child to have the opportunity to develop a relationship with God.

Non-preference  –  Families who have no affiliation with any church and are non-Christian. 

Do you accept students with special educational needs?

We do have students with learning or physical needs in our school and this is always worked through on a case by case basis as we need to ensure we can provide for these students.

Can we meet the Principal before enrolment?

Yes, this is always a good idea and Principal, Amos Pilgrim, is more than happy to show people around our school so you can see for yourself what makes Kingsview special. Use the form to Book a Visit.


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Unichem Remarkables Pharmacy Frankton Pizzeria Wakatipu Heating & Refrigeration Jones Contracting Queenstown Ltd Lesley Barr - Bayleys Nemo Workroom Team Clean Bia's Café MAXRaft New Zealand Apex Accountancy Limited Innova Decorating
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